HWID Reset Shorter Than 3 Months Ago

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HWID Reset Shorter Than 3 Months Ago:

If you need an HWID reset, but your last HWID reset was shorter than 3 months ago, you will need to either need to wait until it has been 3 months or you can purchase an HWID reset and input a Syslx HWID License key into the launcher by following the steps below:


1. Go to https://syslx.mysellix.io/product/syslx-hwid-reset and follow the purchase steps by selecting the "Continue" button on the page:

Screenshot 2024-05-21 150044.png


2. Once you receive a Syslx HWID reset key from the Sellix order, open the launcher and choose the Login option by typing "1" and then hitting the Enter key:

hwid tutorial 1.png

hwid tutorial 7.png


3. Login by first typing your username and hitting Enter, then typing your password and hitting Enter once again:

hwid tutorial 8.png

hwid tutorial 9.png


4. Select the "Redeem a License key" option by typing "4" and then hitting the Enter key:

Screenshot 2024-05-22 163541.png

Screenshot (4479).png


5. Enter the Syslx HWID License key you received from the Sellix order, then hit the Enter key (copying and pasting the key will automatically hit Enter for you):

Screenshot (4480).png


6. You will see a message at the top of your launcher screen stating "License key successfully used! Have fun." Your Syslx HWID has now been reset!

Screenshot 2024-05-22 164908.png